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Stronger After Baby- Postpartum Education
Course Content (1:05)
What happens to your body DURING pregnancy? (2:41)
What happens to your body AFTER pregnancy? (1:31)
The 4 phases to restore the body (15:12)
What is the pelvic floor? (4:48)
COMMON DYSFUNCTIONS and how to treat them
Diastisis Recti (5:39)
Incontinence (23:38)
Constipation (6:48)
Pelvic Organ Prolapse (9:21)
Coccydynia (tailbone pain) (1:34)
Dyspareunia (pain with sex) (8:26)
Hemorrhoids (1:46)
Anorgasmia (inability to orgasm) (2:24)
Pelvic Pain (5:28)
Low Back/ SI Joint/ Pubic Pain (6:19)
Quick access to treatment videos
Pudendal nerve glide (0:18)
Cupping (0:33)
Self rib mobility (0:26)
Skin Pulling fascial release (0:42)
How to check for diastisis recti (2:00)
Adductor exercises (treatment for lighting crotch and pubic symphysis pain) (2:14)
Tailbone pain exercises (0:39)
How to use the Pelvic Wand (0:50)
C-section scar mobility (0:17)
Decline Kegel exercise for prolapse (0:12)
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C-section scar mobility
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